Lauren Matthews

Skin Care Technician & Aesthetician on a Mission
Lauren is an empathetic listener and a self-described “extro-intravert.” She is passionate, loves culture and is obsessed with all things beautiful. Lauren is a cuisine enthusiast, a documentary junkie and a wannabe world traveler.

Lauren is a licensed aesthetician and has been working in the field of Advanced Medical Aesthetics for over 20 years.  She has worked with numerous educators and enjoys working with patients to develop a results-driven, customized skin care program that includes both professional treatments and science based skin care products. Lauren specializes in clinical skin care treatments including HydrafacialMD, Chemical Peels, Micro-Channeling, Micro-Dermabrasion and DiamondGlow.

Lauren is committed to ongoing education to remain current on the latest skin care techniques and new advances in the industry.  Her approach is one that encompasses technical knowledge with a relaxing and soothing touch.